Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Health Care

Health Care!! Everybody wants it. But at what price? Tell us what you think of the President's Health Care initiative.


Anonymous said...

Let's see. We've taken the best telephone system in the world and destroyed it. Our bills are now 5 and 6 times what they were. We have deregulated the power companies so they can gouge us and quadruple our bills or worse. Guess it's time to take the world's best health care and screw it up too. (sigh)

Anonymous said...

I would like to see health care available and affordable for everyone. But is this the way to go about it? Should we look at malpractice limitations first which would reduce premiums and should reduce costs? I also do not think we should sacrifice any health care for the seniors. Unlike England and Canada our seniors can still get life saving procedures in a timely fashion. Congress needs to be careful how they handle this. Voters have a long memory somethimes.

Anonymous said...

I need some kind of health care and cannot afford anything now. i'll ake what I can get.

Anonymous said...

Why are Congressmen Ruppersberger, Kratovil and Sarbanes considering voting for the Health Care Public Option that will grant 10 million illegals health care, 17 million who can afford insurance but choose not to purchase it and, more importantly, ration care not only to elderly but everyone?
I know they believe we the people are not too bright, and only they know what is good for us; however, they are wrong. We do know that this public option is going to end up costing everyone who pays taxes. Already those making the magic one million dollars are trying to find ways around paying. Wouldn’t you? Our Congressmen know as well as I that they will find a loophole or just earn a little less to avoid paying.
This Health Care Public Option is going to end up bankrupting this country, as are all the other policies this Congress has passed. Even the Democratic appointed CBO stated this bill will not lower cost but increase cost. Don’t try to tell the people the savings weren’t reflected in this analysis. Since when has government ever been capable of weeding out fraud? And the only way to find savings is to ration care.
If our Congressmen are seriously trying to get health care costs under control, they should take the time and find a way that does not include another entitlement program such as the public option. This option cannot be the only way to achieve this goal, only the easiest way - on the backs of working Americans. These Congressmen have voted always along party lines rather than what is in the best interest of their constituents. When they ran for office, they certainly campaigned as more independent and more conservative. We will remember come 2010.

Anonymous said...

Major public polls indicate that at least 85 percent of the American public is happy with their health insurance and the health care that they receive. Why would we need to completely revamp the best health care system in the world? It is not “broken,” as the administration often implies. What the government fails to explain is that the uninsured in this country are comprised of those who do not want insurance (the younger working populace, and those who can afford it but have chosen to save the cost of premiums instead), those who are too poor to afford it and a huge illegal alien contingent. Of the poor, most are eligible for Medicaid but for some reason have not applied for it. Illegals should not be funded anyway. For those few who fall between these cracks in the system, why would the government not submit a plan for them and leave the rest of us alone? Why spend trillions of our future tax dollars when they could spend much less and focus on the real problem quickly? The independent Congressional Budget Office has estimated the cost of the House Bill to be $1.7 trillion, and this does not even include the cost of the new government bureaucracy to administer the new program. This cost could easily surpass the cost of the program itself.
Why be so quick to completely change the best health care system in the world? Why the rush to pass a 1,000-plus page health bill before Congress leaves for their August vacation? Why was Congress in such a hurry to pass a 1,000-plus page stimulus bill that they had not even read and has not been a stimulus to date? Why was the House in such a hurry to pass the 1,000-plus page “Cap and Trade” bill that they began voting on before it was even finished and not yet on the House floor? Why even allow bills of this size? Could the reason be to hide all of the unrelated “pork” in these bills? Could the hurried rush be so that the American public will not have a chance to read and learn what is included in these bills? We need to stop this insanity.
Does Congress think that the American public is so apathetic, so ignorant, that we will just sit by and watch them rush to destroy our economy and our country? That would seem to be the case. It matters not to which political party you are affiliated, how much money you earn or what your education level may be. What matters is that you care about the direction in which our country is headed. Write, call and/or e-mail your representatives and senators often. It costs only a bit of your time and is better than just sitting on your hands and griping about it. Our Second District Representative is C.A. Dutch Ruppersberger, 202-225-3061. Our two Senators are Barbara Mikulski (202-224-4654) and Ben Cardin (202-224-4524). Just Google their names in order to obtain the addresses and e-mails.
Don’t give up. You can do something! Our elected Congressmen need to understand that we are watching what they do and how they vote. Remind them of that fact every time you contact them. They are supposed to represent US, not themselves, their party or their ambitions. Get involved!

Ms. jenny said...

I agree that the average american is happy with their health care. I feel that by the Government imposing its reform would not be justified as it takes away from our civil rights. I feel that there are other alternatives to expensive insurances and as responsible individuals and parents we all should research and consider our options. I personally love all my rights and priviledges. Therefore, I oppose this idea of Government controlled health care. In the end, the working american will be paying for all this. So, what i read from this is that a Honest, working middle class american trying to afford a family, put a roof over their head, slave to put their kids through college will eventually be forced to sacrifice his/her right for someone else's benefit all in all paying more taxes and coming into more debt.

hmmm, I'd like to know what they are planning on implying next.

Anonymous said...

This whole process is starting to scare me. I really worry that sooner or later the Democratic majority will pull something to get what they want through without a thought of what America really wants.